jueves, 14 de agosto de 2008

1 euro = 25 coronas

Un codillo de cerdo: 180 coronas. Un litro de Pilsner Urquell: 60 coronas. Que en el bar de moda en Brno sólo suene música disco anterior a 1990... no tiene precio.

PD: Para todo lo demás... si todo lo demas no importa, ¿verdad, Quique?

viernes, 8 de agosto de 2008


6:00. This morning is not Christmas'. It's August. Heat -and his nerves- haven't let him sleep. Though he'll have more opportunities today: three flights, two stopovers and a ride on the road. It's not sleds' time.

16:00. Mallorca's airport has been invaded by Germany.

- You also going to Munich?

- I'm actually going further, though I'm already not sure if I'll arrive...

She turns 180 degrees and moves away, carrying a bag with the HP logo that seems to hide her own IT guy. "Until never".

26:00. It's not true. There's no train to Brno at 2 o'clock. "Perhaps only from Monday to Friday". The youngsters read while the elders sleep. "How would it be to sleep leaning on your elbow?".

It's bad. Though train stations have a lot to tell, he acknowledges. And smiles.